2021 App

2021 - 22 की नई सूची APK App


by Shar Hk LTD
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2021 APK (com.newgramin.pmawasyojan) is created by Shar Hk LTD for Android devices. 2021 1.1 is great App that always tops in the House & Home category. Shar Hk LTD has developed 2021 for the customer to improve and enjoy their experience in House & Home. Unexpectedly, 2021 App is rated 4.0 out of 5 by editors in the Android app store. Download the com.newgramin.pmawasyojan bundle apks/xapk and base packages free of charge without downloading extra apps.

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Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana 2021-22 List App. All Government Yojana List App. Government Scheme. All India PMAY List. All States PM Awas List. Dear friends you can check your name in latest pradhan mantri awas yojana list 2021 and check how much amount has been released in your fabour to construct new house in इस एप्लीकेशन की मदद से आप सरलता से प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना की लिस्ट देख सकते हैं।। आवास योजना की लिस्ट में अपना नाम देखें साथ ही जाने की किस हितग्राही को किस मकान के लिए कितनी राशि प्राप्त हुई है।। एप्लीकेशन की मुख्य विशेषताएं- आवास योजना की लिस्ट देखें। प्रधानमंत्री उज्जवला योजना की लिस्ट देखें प्रधानमंत्री शौचालय योजना की लिस्ट देखें Hello friends, we want to tell you that with the help of this application you can see the list of houses available under the Pradhan mantri awas yojana very easily and who got so much benefit in the Kisan samman Yojana, they can also see very easily and together You can check the Name of khasra number and your name or anyone else's name, the purpose of making this Application is to get the facilities given to every citizen of India easily so that all the people Of India have trouble in finding the facilities. If there is any doubt, contact us on our email id we will try to fix it as soon as possible, please also note here that this application is not an official app of the government, no citizen here has his necessary documents or his identity give thanks. Following states are involves in the list: 1. Andhra Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 2. Arunachal Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 3. Assam pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 4. Bihar pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 5. Goa pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 6. Gujarat pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 7. Haryana pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 8. Himachal Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 9. Jammu & Kashmir pradhan mantra awas yojana list 10. Karnataka pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 11. Kerala pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 12. Madhya Pradesh pradhan mantra awas yojana list 13. Maharashtra pradhan mantra awas yojana list 2020 14. Manipur pmay list 2020 Disclaimer : -> We only provide information to readers and visitors that are available in following government public domains. आवास योजना लिस्ट-ग्रामीण, ग्रामीण आवास लाभार्थी सुची - https://rhreporting.nic.in आवास योजना लिस्ट-शहरी, आधार कार्ड से देखे-शहरी - https://pmaymis.gov.in भुलेख खसरा खतौनी - http://www.upbhulekh.gov.in राशन कार्ड - https://fcs.up.gov.in शौचालय योजना लिस्ट - http://sbm.gov.in उज्ज्वला योजना लिस्ट - http://www.pmujjwalayojana.in BPL लिस्ट (सभी राज्य) - https://www.nrega.nic.in ग्राम पंचायत रिपोर्ट - https://nregade.nic.in नरेगा जॉब कार्ड- https://nrega.nic.in पेंशन सूची 2020 देखे, पेंशन सूची 2020 देखे- http://nsap.nic.in/ -> We are not any official partner of the Government or a linked with any way with government. We just show their website in our application as webview format. -> We do not own any website available in app. -> This application is very usefull for indian people to find the best digital servie in their state or city. -> We do not affiliated with any government entity, services or person.

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2021 Android App Details

Package : com.newgramin.pmawasyojan
File Size : 6.4MB
Current Version : 1.1
Total Downloads : 655
App Updated on : 46 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

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