ANTON - Montessori Homeschool learning APK App


by ANTON - Learning - School
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ANTON APK (com.solocode.anton) is created by ANTON - Learning - School for Android devices. ANTON 1.7.8 is great App that always tops in the Education category. ANTON - Learning - School has developed ANTON for the customer to improve and enjoy their experience in Education. Unexpectedly, ANTON App is rated 4.5 out of 5 by editors in the Android app store. Download the com.solocode.anton bundle apks/xapk and base packages free of charge without downloading extra apps.

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ANTON App installed more than 807 times by users. Download virus and malware safe, unmodified com.solocode.anton APKs only on WapSoft. Visit Education category and find lot more free Apps like ANTON for your device. If you are having issues with installation or App doesn't exist in our store try to Download ANTON on Google Play Store.

*Trusted by over 10 million learners and teachers in over 50,000 schools.* ANTON is the free learning app for elementary school. A complete all-in-one curriculum for all subjects: literacy, reading and writing, math, science, languages and music for kindergarten to grade 4. ? FREE, NO ADS: all of our learning content is completely free without any extra costs involved. No subscription needed. ? ALL SUBJECTS ALIGNED TO THE CURRICULUM: English language arts, English as a second language, German, math, science and music. ? JOYFUL LEARNING: over 50,000 exercises, 200 montessori exercise types from telling time to science and music, explanations, and educational games for kids. Learn the alphabet and reading with sight words and phonics for free at home or at school. Play spelling games and letter tracing. ? FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS: easily create class groups, assign homework and follow your student’s learning progress both in the classroom and for homeschooling. ? LEARN ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME: one account for all devices. Perfect to use in the classroom or as your all in one homeschool. ? MOTIVATIONAL GAMES: earn coins through learning and play fun learning games for kids. Freckle with snowballs, travel through space to planet zearn and play reading games. ? COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM for your classroom or all-in-one homeschool: Helps your kids to ascend math skills and reading skills with easy peasy learning games. Learn-to-read following a proven phonics based approach. ? PHONICS based learn-to-read program: Get reading practice for grade 1, find sight words and count syllables. Improve your spelling and grammar and learn reading strategies. ? CREATE YOUR OWN AVATAR: pick the green monster or the boy with the freckle face, add a mask and a blue shirt and you are good to go. ? EXAMPLES of educational games: Counting eggs, phonics for dyslexia, sight words for first graders, phonics sounds of alphabets, abc, count syllables. Practice first grade math: tracing letters and numbers, ordering, skip-counting, addition and subtraction, math games, readwritethink, multiplication, telling time, word problems, and much more. ANTON is the ideal homeschooling app and a great montessori school app for teachers. Improve your child's literacy with easy peasy reading practice and plenty of exercises. Suitable for kids with dyslexia and with many reflex math games to address dyscalculia. ANTON is used by elementary schools around the globe from math kindergarten to third grade reading games. Currently ANTON includes exercises for kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade and fourth grade. Our team of authors is working to create new levels for additional grades and subjects. We improve ANTON every day, and listen to your feedback. We’d love to hear from you: [email protected] Let us know how you use ANTON and what learning games you would like us to add. For more information visit:

What's New on 1.7.8

New exercises for literacy and math

ANTON Android App Details

Package : com.solocode.anton
File Size : 6.94MB we
Current Version : 1.7.8
Total Downloads : 807
App Updated on : 54 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

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