Asha Disease Profile App

Asha Disease Profile APK App


by CHFW Telangana
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Asha Disease Profile APK (org.chfw.ashaap) is created by CHFW Telangana for Android devices. Asha Disease Profile 2.0 is great App that always tops in the Medical category. CHFW Telangana has developed Asha Disease Profile for the customer to improve and enjoy their experience in Medical. Unexpectedly, Asha Disease Profile App is rated 4.0 out of 5 by editors in the Android app store. Download the org.chfw.ashaap bundle apks/xapk and base packages free of charge without downloading extra apps.

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Asha Disease Profile App installed more than 1110 times by users. Download virus and malware safe, unmodified org.chfw.ashaap APKs only on WapSoft. Visit Medical category and find lot more free Apps like Asha Disease Profile for your device. If you are having issues with installation or App doesn't exist in our store try to Find Asha Disease Profile on Google Play Store.

Telangana is the youngest state with a population of about 35 million. Government of Telangana is committed to provide comprehensive healthcare which include promotive, preventive, curative and end of life care to all the citizens of state. There is always a need to assess the disease and risk factor burden to meticulously plan to provide the services to the citizens of the state. There are many national programs dealing with various health related issues. Under every program Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) is the first interphase between the community and public health system. ASHA plays an important role in facilitating the access to healthcare, building awareness among the public about the available services, promote healthy behaviors and linking the needy to the healthcare system. As a part of providing care and implementation of various programs, ASHA makes house to house visits to collect the information about the various diseases at various times. To minimize the burden of multiple visits and manual compilation of manually collected information, Government of Telangana has come up with an innovative idea of community based comprehensive risk and disease assessment by using an application-based questionnaire. ASHA disease profile application is designed to capture the information about the risk factors and symptoms of various communicable and Non-Communicable diseases from all the individuals of the state.

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Asha Disease Profile Android App Details

Package : org.chfw.ashaap
File Size : 4.3MB
Current Version : 2.0
Total Downloads : 1110
App Updated on : 50 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

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