Avatarify App

Avatarify APK App


by Grab Video Team
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Avatarify APK (com.v43years.avatarify) is created by Grab Video Team for Android devices. Avatarify 21.3.16 is great App that always tops in the Video Players & Editors category. Grab Video Team has developed Avatarify for the customer to improve and enjoy their experience in Video Players & Editors. Unexpectedly, Avatarify App is rated 4.0 out of 5 by editors in the Android app store. Download the com.v43years.avatarify bundle apks/xapk and base packages free of charge without downloading extra apps.

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Avatarify App installed more than 828 times by users. Download virus and malware safe, unmodified com.v43years.avatarify APKs only on WapSoft. Visit Video Players & Editors category and find lot more free Apps like Avatarify for your device. If you are having issues with installation or App doesn't exist in our store try to Find Avatarify on Google Play Store.

Avatarify一键生成趣味视频~ 1.avatarify是一款视频剪辑APP,帮助您轻松完成视频制作和视频剪辑 2.视频剪辑功能包括:短视频裁剪、美化、去水印、添加水印、提取音乐、调节分辨率、时长剪切等 3.做同款功能:你可以选择喜欢的视频模板,点击制作同款,添加你自己的相册或者视频素材,即可一键导出同款视频 4.本次avatarify新增了丰富的模板,有:蚂蚁呀嘿、视频卡点、六宫格等 温馨提示:使用avatarify制作“蚂蚁呀嘿”视频非常简单哟

What's New on 21.3.16

优化文件存储; 优化内核,提升导出效率;

Avatarify Android App Details

Package : com.v43years.avatarify
File Size : 32MB
Current Version : 21.3.16
Total Downloads : 828
App Updated on : 40 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

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