Free File Transfer Sharing App

Free File Transfer Sharing - Send Files & More APK App


by Parabol Themes
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Free File Transfer Sharing APK (com.filetransferxender.xenderfiletransfe) is created by Parabol Themes for Android devices. Free File Transfer Sharing 1.1 is great App that always tops in the Tools category. Parabol Themes has developed Free File Transfer Sharing for the customer to improve and enjoy their experience in Tools. Unexpectedly, Free File Transfer Sharing App is rated 4.0 out of 5 by editors in the Android app store. Download the com.filetransferxender.xenderfiletransfe bundle apks/xapk and base packages free of charge without downloading extra apps.

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Free File Transfer Sharing App installed more than 920 times by users. Download virus and malware safe, unmodified com.filetransferxender.xenderfiletransfe APKs only on WapSoft. Visit Tools category and find lot more free Apps like Free File Transfer Sharing for your device. If you are having issues with installation or App doesn't exist in our store try to Find Free File Transfer Sharing on Google Play Store.

People from all over the world are looking for? a secure and fast way to exchange ??photos, videos, music, games and any other files they need. And if you have a doubt which file transferring and sharing app to use, then this application will be very helpful for you. By using this app you will make the right choice. Xender share app is the best solution for you. Xander free app download and fulfil all your needs. You will be very satisfied with this file sharing and transferring apps. Xander share and transfer supports different file formats? such as audio,? video,? pdf,? etc. And, of course, it's worth mentioning that the quality of files will not be changed after receiving. After downloading this file transfer for android? you will share files between pc? and mobile devices at a high speed?. Use and send or receive files from anywhere. To have more idea about share files app, here? are presented some of the key features: 1.With xender contact transfer features, backup or transfer of contacts ?from an old phone to a new one. 2.File transfer downloader lets you download and send files from your computer to mobile devices and vice versa. 3.With the help of a file manager, manage your files and folders on your device. 4.Redirect photos and audio files to a gallery?️ or a folder with music?. 5.Play⏯️ all music and videos right after receiving. 6.Share files with a group of friends up to 4 devices simultaneously and instantly. 7.Xender privacy? keeps your files private and safe. 8.Share it recovery features lets you restore lost or deleted files in a few seconds. On xander no ads will interrupt you, while sharing files. So, download now for free and share via wifi in a second. Share files easily and move your files to the cloud, and once uploaded, you can share those files with any device. As well as change Xender storage location store files in your preferred place. Like, ?Store all your receiver files either to Phone Storage (Internal) or SD Card storage.

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Free File Transfer Sharing Android App Details

Package : com.filetransferxender.xenderfiletransfe
File Size : 7.1MB
Current Version : 1.1
Total Downloads : 920
App Updated on : 41 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

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