Giddy App

Giddy - Grow Your Crypto APK App


by DefiQ
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Giddy APK (com.getdefiq.giddy) is created by DefiQ for Android devices. Giddy 1.0.0 is great App that always tops in the Finance category. DefiQ has developed Giddy for the customer to improve and enjoy their experience in Finance. Unexpectedly, Giddy App is rated 4.0 out of 5 by editors in the Android app store. Download the com.getdefiq.giddy bundle apks/xapk and base packages free of charge without downloading extra apps.

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Join the global cryptocurrency movement by downloading the Giddy app and getting started on your journey to growing your crypto. Right now the pros are finding ways to invest their crypto on the blockchain and earn interest on their favorite tokens. It’s a difficult process with a lot of steps, and has been too hard for most people to access - until now. So easy your parents can do it We’ll keep you on the right track and moving forward with financial growth. Giddy takes care of the hard stuff so you can spend time doing the things you love. World Class Security Our expertise in security puts you in good hands. You don’t have to keep track of long seed phrases or worry about losing a private key. We’ve got you covered. Ultra Low Fees We’re on the same team. When you succeed, we succeed. We don’t take huge fees any time you want to move your money around. We pass along the rewards of crypto investing to you. Giddy’s mission is to make crypto investing as easy and rewarding as possible. Here is some of the tech that sets us apart: DeFi Maybe you’ve heard this term floating around. It stands for Decentralized Finance and it’s the idea that we don’t need middlemen like banks eating up all the profits. With the power of blockchain technology, we can all benefit from a more efficient system and reap the rewards of putting our money to work. Until now, participating in DeFi has been extremely technical and difficult for most people. Giddy takes care of all that complexity and delivers an easy-to-use experience so that anyone can get into the game. Private Keys With our revolutionary decentralized private key security solution, you get to hold your money without having to keep track of a 24 word seed phrase on your own. Your keys, your crypto. Gas Fees Normally, transacting in crypto requires you to set aside a portion of your crypto to pay for network fees. These gas fees can easily trip you up and can cost hundreds (!!) of dollars for a single transaction. With Giddy you no longer need to worry about gas fees. Our tech enables you to invest with no hassle. Smart Contract Approval When going it alone in the land of DeFi, it is easy to make a mistake that can cost you all of your crypto. Giddy to the rescue. We ensure that you approve the exact right amount of crypto for each transaction and then expire that approval so you’re not left with vulnerable loose ends. We are at an inflection point in history. Traditional banking and finance is being turned upside down. For the first time, regular people can have access to markets which were previously only available to the super rich. Don’t get stuck in the past with low returns and high fees. Let Giddy be your guide to getting ahead. Please reach out to the team at any time [email protected]

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Giddy Android App Details

Package : com.getdefiq.giddy
File Size : 70 MB
Current Version : 1.0.0
Total Downloads : 1925
App Updated on : 29 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

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