
Composite Apps Inc.

Othena Android App Details

Package : com.compositeapps.curapatien
File Size : 45MB
Current Version : 1.5
Total Downloads : 773
App Updated on : 49 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

What is Othena?

Read Description..

Othena: Your Passport to Health Othena (powered by CuraPatient) is the only true end-to-end COVID-19 testing and vaccination management solution helping individuals secure vaccines. It also connects health systems and providers in managing the complex vaccination journey. Othena provides patients with a Virtual Caretaker powered by Artificial Intelligence to understand their COVID-19 care plan, connect their devices, and receive support from providers via remote distance monitoring. Upon downloading the Othena app and inputting your information, you are provided status info, estimated vaccination dates, vaccination schedules, follow-up, complication tracking, emergency contacts, and support tools – giving you a firm COVID-19 support system. Note: Othena is currently in a PILOT PROGRAM in Orange County, California. Multilingual: Othena communicates in a host of languages that’s growing every day, including English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese. Schedule a Test or Vaccination: Othena gives patients the power to schedule vaccination appointments based on CDC and state mandated tiers. Othena Patients can onboard in just 2 to 3 minutes and PRE-REGISTER for future vaccinations. Othena will notify you to schedule an appointment when a vaccine is available for you. Stay Informed: Othena provides you with the latest COVID-19 information from trusted sources, such as medical thought leaders, CDC, and state public health authorities. Tracks Symptoms: Othena prompts you to track your post-vaccination symptoms and report any complications, medical or logistic, in real time. You can even press a button if you need support. Mobile Records: Following your vaccination, you’ll be able to maintain your own mobile vaccination records, and be prompted to receive the correct booster at the right dose and right time (ensuring vaccine compatibility). Vaccination Passport: Othena will give you a QR-coded digital passport - and a mobile CDC-approved COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card. So you can show proof of vaccination when needed.
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