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If you love viral videos, you’ve come to the right place. The FREE Rumble app is a simple way to subscribe to your favorte channels, watch, upload, and vote on your favorite videos. In addition to subscribing to your favorite content and uploading your best videos, you have an opportunity to challenge the world, quickly build followers, and make money at the same time with the "Rumble". How it works: - Vote on your favorite and not so favorite videos by swiping right, or left respectively - Earn tickets with every swipe and increase your chances of winning the daily cash draw - Increase your chances of winning the daily draw by uploading your own content, and inviting your friends to play the game - Check back every day at 9 PM EST to play again and win money OR - Join the battle by uploading your own viral video - The following day, your viral video will participate in the Rumble Battle - If your video ranks as one of the top viral vidoes, you'll win real money! - Your viral video will continue to monetize on Rumble forever if it conintues to be popular REAL EARNINGS For years you've been submitting and voting on videos within many other platforms, and you've never been compensated for it. Rumble is changing that. MANY WAYS TO WIN CASH REWARDS You can earn tickets by voting on videos, entering the battle with your videos, and inviting friends to play the game. THE GAME THAT KEEPS YOU CRAVING MORE This unique video platofrm brings the world’s best viral videos to keep you entertained, while making real money. Download the app using your Android device and play when you are connected to the Internet or Wifi. Join the rumble community by following our viral channels: Visit for more videos and community forums. Have fun playing, and may the best viral video win!