MA Department of Public Health
MassNotify Android App Details
Package : Size : 10MB
Current Version : minted160006
Total Downloads : 787
App Updated on : 47 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+
What is MassNotify?
Read Description..
**MassNotify is currently in a pilot phase. The full functionality is available for a limited number of users in Massachusetts.**
MassNotify is the official COVID-19 automated exposure notification system for Massachusetts, powered by technology developed by Apple and Google. It is supported by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH).
By enabling this service, you can be quickly notified if you’ve likely been exposed to the virus by another MassNotify user, allowing you to reduce risk to your loved ones, seek medical attention, and slow the spread in your community.
Using this service is 100% voluntary, you can opt out at any time, and the process is privacy-focused. DPH takes your privacy and confidentiality very seriously. No GPS or location information from your phone will ever be collected or used by MassNotify.
By enabling MassNotify, whenever you are near another MassNotify user, both phones will exchange secure, anonymous codes using Bluetooth. If another user you’ve been near recently tests positive for COVID-19, they can upload their result anonymously to the app which will send a push notification to you and anyone else their phone has exchanged codes with recently, notifying you to a possible COVID-19 exposure.
If you test positive for COVID-19, you will be provided a MassNotify verification link. You can choose to easily and anonymously notify others to help stop the spread of COVID-19 using your verification link.
To learn more, please visit