Prot gete Panam


Prot gete Panam Android App Details

Package : pa.gob.proteget
File Size : 10MB
Current Version : minted151005
Total Downloads : 648
App Updated on : 50 months ago
Minimum Requirement : Android 4.3+

What is Prot gete Panam?

Read Description..

Protégete Panamá is the COVID-19 Exposure Notification system of Panamá, promoted by the Ministry of Health and the Governmental Innovation Authority. This is a new voluntary service developed in collaboration with Google and Apple to help slow the spread of COVID-19. If you activate this service, at no time will any GPS, location, identifier or personal information of users be collected or stored, and will not be shared by this service. Protégete Panamá can quickly notify you if there is a probability of having been exposed to COVID-19. Being informed about a possible exposure allows you to reduce the risk to your family, friends, neighbors and the rest of the community. By activating the Exposure Notifications system, whenever you are 2 meters away from another person for a minimum of 10 minutes, both phones will exchange secure and anonymous data via Bluetooth. If another user you were close to tests positive for COVID-19, he or she can notify you of these events through the app anonymously. The system will send a notification to your phone and to those of any other people that the notifying user may have exposed, as long as they are also a user of the application. If you test positive, you can easily and anonymously notify others to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
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